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The blend has been utilized figuratively to portray the elements of American public activity. Notwithstanding its engaging uses, it has like...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Information Technology in Various Countries Essay

Information Technology in Various Countries - Essay Example It has direct influence in the daily lives of the people. The collapse of the information technology will endanger the existence of the society. Implementation of technology has been in varied extent in different countries. The human development statistical table provides a whole view of the development made by the countries based on certain parameters. One such parameter involves the access to information system and communication technology. The parameter to information system comprises of certain element like number of mobile and fixed line telephone subscription, the total percentage of population covered by the mobile phone networks , the total percentage of the broadband subscriptions and the number of the users of the Internet (â€Å"Human development Statistical table, n. d). The statistical table of human development of the year 2010 reflects that countries ranked with higher human development index have a better percentage of the users of internet. Countries like Norway, Ne therlands and the United states which are ranked as 1, 7 and 4 respectively have higher number of users of the internet facility. Whereas the countries ranked lower according to the human development index signifies that their rate of computer usage is very low. In countries like Chile, Mexico and Romania this significant trend is noted. Among the three countries with low usage Mexico has only 22% of the users which is lowest among them. The total number of subscription in Mexico has been considerably very low with only 7 percent as accounted in the report. The overall standing of Chile, Mexico and Romania are 53, 64 and 50. (â€Å"Human development Statistical table, n. d) The above discussion shows that the adoption of technology has been a crucial indicator of the overall development of the society and it impacts significantly in the growth of the societies. Modern Technology polluting the world The use of gadgets has significantly increased over the last decade with the latest innovation in technology. Modern technology has gained colossal achievement and has become a part of the lifestyle of every people in the developed and the developing countries. The modern technology is been publicized and will continue to do so with aging of time. Apart from the positive benefits which technology has brought in this era it has also marked some negative impact on the societies. Advancement in technology has greatly affected some business industries severely and has even led to the shutting down of certain segments of the business. The overall advancement in technology has facilitated the communication system. Other than the conventional mobile phone, people have formed virtual groups and communities over the web space and interact with each other. This has seriously affected the communities which existed in real in different societies and has constantly threatened their existence. Modern technology has stopped the personal interaction between the people due to the o verall popularity of the social networking sites like facebook, twitter and orkut. Such modes have acted as a barrier to the age old traditional face to face communication. The overall impact of technology on the society has been alarming and has turned the people to be lazier and has desensitized the society. The lesser amount of personal interaction between the people has resulted in making them less affectionate towards the human society. The general interaction bet

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Christian Responses to Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Christian Responses to Islam - Essay Example The spirit of human brotherhood under the all-encompassing divine fatherhood is much stressed in Islam and not hampered by the concepts of racialism or sectarianism, be it of linguistic, historic, and traditionalistic, to even dogmatic nature. The broadminded tolerance of Islam for Christianity recommends it to all lovers of liberty. Surely this is generous and fair in advance of the attitude of Christianity. A history of the Bible written by Fred Gladstone Bratton, published in the United States acknowledges the textual unreliability of the Bible. The writer also admits the possibility of changes and alterations that have been steadily introduced into the body of its text. He says: â€Å"There is a necessary and inevitable uncertainty about biblical studies owing to the very nature of the task. If the Bible had been written in English or if we had the original autographs of the Scripture, there would be no problem at all in the text. But this is unfortunately not the case† (p. 2) The history of the biblical text is shrouded in mystery and it has really flummoxed the Christian theologians and scholars: Then he refers to the frequency of changes made in the text. The changes are both capricious and consciously engineered: â€Å"The idea that the Bible is a book is comparatively modern. It is not one book but a library of sixty-six books, written by almost many authors during a period of one thousand years and on three continents† (p. 3).